Physical health


Here you’ll find answers to some common questions concerning living with a long term physical health condition.

Select the underlined questions below to see more.

Coping with

Everyone is different and everyone will have different things that they find helpful when they are struggling with their condition.

Even so, there are some ideas and strategies to help you cope. They have been tried and tested and researched and found to be very effective to help with things such as pain, discomfort, negative thoughts and anxious thoughts.

The following buttons are self-help suggestions 

Finding help

What can you do?

  • Talk to your GP
  • Talk to a mental health professional

Select the underlined topics below to view what resources are available.

Getting more help

If you haven’t already found the help you’re looking for, you can find additional information and services which are more interactive here.

Select the underlined topics below to view what resources are available.

Author: Darren Bowyer - Clinical Digital Aspirants Lead

Last reviewed: 15/02/24