Growing up - under 5's


When a child is growing up you will notice that they go through physical, emotional and psychological changes.

Select the underlined questions below to see more.

Coping with

If you have any concerns about your child’s development; behaviour or difficulties with their emotions and feelings; you can:

The following buttons are self-help suggestions for both you and young people

Finding help

Who can you talk to?

  • Health visitor
  • GP

Select the underlined topics below to view what resources are available.

Getting more help

If concerns continue, discuss the options of asking for a referral to a paediatrician.

Paediatricians are doctors who provide medical care and advice for babies, children and teenagers. Their role could involve anything from administering immunisations and carrying out routine health checks, to diagnosing and treating a range of injuries and illnesses.

Select the underlined topics below to view what resources are available.

Author: Julia Ford - RNLD, Clinical Digital Lead

Last reviewed: 05/06/24