

Cutting back on illicit and non-prescribed drug taking can improve mental and physical wellbeing.

There are plenty of practical ways to start to change your drug taking behaviours and stay on track. When reducing your drug intake it’s important to know how to start reducing it safely and how to stay motivated to keep going.


Select the underlined questions below to see more.

Finding help

Who can they talk to?

  • Friends
  • Family
  • New Beginnings Service User group
  • Detoxification Nurses


  • Recovery Co-ordinators
  • Doctors and NMP’s
  • Stoke CDAS Webchat
  • Charities and Helplines

Select the underlined topics below to view what resources are available.

Getting more help

If you haven’t already found the help you’re looking for, you can find additional information and services which are more interactive here.

Select the underlined topics below to view what resources are available.

Author: Darren Bowyer - Clinical Digital Aspirants Lead

Last reviewed: 13/09/22