Suicidal Thoughts


Here you’ll find answers to some common questions concerning suicidal thoughts

Select the underlined questions below to see more.

Coping with

If you begin to feel like life is getting too much and you are struggling to manage there are things you can do for yourself, there are also things you can ask those around you to support you with.

A key indicator for feeling like life isn’t worth living is feeling that you are alone and that there is no-one you can talk to.

Sometimes it’s about getting through just the next few minutes, if you can recall a time when things were bad before you might be able to see that you got through it then so maybe you can get through it now.

Click on the buttons below to find techniques may help you cope.

Finding help

Who can I talk to?

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Someone you trust at school
  • Youth worker
  • Health professional (GP; Counsellor Nurse)
  • Charities and Helplines

Select the underlined topics below to view what resources are available.

Getting more help

If you haven’t already found the help you’re looking for, you can find additional information and services which are more interactive here.

Select the underlined topics below to view what resources are available.

Author: Claire Consterdine - Mental Health Support Team Manager

Last reviewed: 04/05/24